May moments

May began with a very special happening – the installation of a bench at Ashland Pond, a gift to the city from our local Audubon chapter. The pond is regularly visited by birders, many of whom are old and wobbly, like myself, and there was no place to stop and savor the ambiance. So Sooney Viani and I went to the January board meeting to recommend that Audubon donate a bench.  We were met with enthusiasm and action, and now a bench is in place at the west end of the pond. I then suggested that it be dedicated to Gwyneth Ragosine and that also was approved. Gwyneth is a former chapter president, editor of the newsletter, mentor to many new arrivals in the valley who wanted to become familiar with our birds, and a good friend of mine since my early days in Ashland. She was a research librarian in the valley for many years and was quick to adapt to the computer world when it descended on us. Teaching computer skills, especially to many who were intimidated by the cyberworld, became another integral part of her life.

Her health has been declining for several years and she moved to Rogue Valley Manor last spring. Since then she has been hospitalized several times, causing her friends a lot of worry. But recently there has been a change for the better. And when told about the bench last month she was extremely pleased and vowed to recover enough to visit it. And she did! With help from the Manor staff who transported her, Ashland Parks personnel who opened the gate to give her wheelchair access, and a wholesale response from dozens of her friends who arrived to enjoy the occasion with her, we held a very upbeat event at the bench on Monday morning, June 4. The plaque was not yet available but will read – Honoring Gwyneth Ragosine at “her pond”.

Everyone involved was delighted with the event, and especially pleased that we were able to get it done while she could still enjoy it.

                       View from the bench
Gwyneth in the wheelchair, friends on and                     behind the bench








                        Hand-holding friends